Prentedo recolectar algunos desafíos que andan sueltos por la red... veamos qué hay de interesante, quieres apuntarte a alguno ?
La mayoría de las explicaciones están en inglés pues rescato de varias partes algunas ideas interesantes, pero pronto lo podrás encontrar en español, si tu duda es muy grande pudes dejar un comentario y te explicaré de qué trata :)
Para inscribirse pasen a esta entrada.
Esto se llama Letra de Mujer y consiste en retarse a ustedes mism@s a leer cierta cantidad de libros de escritoras (por eso letra de mujer, ya ven)

Como en otros desafíos hay cinco niveles :
- My Sweet Girl: 3 libros
- Pretty Lady: 6 libros
- Noble Woman: 12 libros
- Madame: 20 libros
- Girl Power: 30 libros
Link Here, inscríbete
Tengo entendido que este Desafío es del blog the Life (and Lies) of an Inanimate Flying Object
link aqui
--Anyone can participate.
**Newbie 2 books by J. Austen, 2 re-writes, prequels, sequels, or spoofs (by other authors)
**Lover 4 books by J. Austen, 4 re-writes, prequels, sequels, or spoofs (by other authors)
**Fanatic 6+ books by J. Austen, 5+ re-writes, prequels, sequels, or spoofs (by other authors)
--Challenge books can overlap with other challenges.
--Any format counts: bound book, e-book (check online for free downloads of J.A’s copyright-free books), audio book, or any other thing you can think of.
--Challenge runs January 1st 2010—December 31 2010.
--You can change which level you read!
J.Kaye´s Book Blog. The 2010 Young Adult Reading Challenge.
The Story Siren is hosting this awesome Challenge, we have just signed up for.
What is the 2010 Debut Author Challenge?
* The objective is to read a set number of YA (Young Adult) or MG (Middle Grade) novels from debut authors published this year.* I'm going to challenge everyone to read at least 12 debut novels!
* Anyone can join, you don’t need a blog to participate. If you don’t have a blog you can always share your views by posting a review on, or any other bookish site.
* The challenge will run from January 1, 2010- December 31, 2010. You can join at anytime!
Join now!!! To know more about the Challenge, go here.
1st in a Series Challenge
Challenge Guidelines:
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
--Non-Bloggers: Include your information in the comment section.
2. There are four levels:
-- Curious– Read 3 novels that are first in a series.
-- Fascinated – Read 6 novels that are first in a series.
-- Addicted – Read 12 novels that are first in a series.
-- Obsessed – Read 20 novels that are first in a series.
3. Any genre counts.
4. You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you.
5. Challenge begins January 1st thru December, 2010. Only books started on January 1st count towards this challenge.
Click Here
Bottoms Up
2010 Reading Challenge
The Bottoms Up Challenge is simple. Each month, take 2-3 titles off the bottom and read them. So that would be...let's see...12-36 books in a year's time.
2010 Wish I'd Read That Challenge Reviews
This challenge is for all those books you wish you'd read. It might be Pride and Prejudice, War and Peace, a Nora Roberts Romantic Suspense, the Outlander series or a childhood classic Winnie the Pooh. I have a very long list of books that I've been wanting to read for years, not to mention the list of books I've added to it since I've been blogging. These don't have to be books you currently own, you can buy them, borrow them or beg for them. This is a great challenge for getting those TBR piles reduced. So go have a look at what you might read and challenge yourself.
Challenge Guidelines:
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
--Non-Bloggers: Include your information in the comment section.
2. There are four levels:
-- Curious – Read 3 books.
-- Fascinated – Read 6 books.
-- Addicted – Read 12 books.
-- Obsessed – Read 20 books.
3. Any book format counts.
4. You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you.
5. Challenge begins January 1st thru December, 2010.
6. When you sign up under Mr. Linky, put the direct link to the post about the Wish I'd Read That Challenge. Include the URL so that other participants can find join in and read your reviews and post.
Click here
2010 Audio Book Reading Challenge
This challenge was previously hosted by J. Kaye's Book Blog and in 2010 will be hosted by Royal Reviews. This will be my second year of participating in this challenge as I'm a new convert to audio books. I think I'll easily complete the Obsessed level.
There are four levels:
-- Curious – Listen to 3 Audio Books.
-- Fascinated – Listen to 6 Audio Books.
-- Addicted – Listen to 12 Audio Books.
-- Obsessed – Listen to 20 Audio Books.
This is an excellent new challenge on Royal Reviews. I hate having series not up to date or finished so naturally this is a great challenge for me.
There are four levels:
-- Curious – Finish 2 series.
-- Fascinated – Finish 3 series.
-- Addicted – Finish 5 series.
-- Obsessed – Finish 10 series.
La mayoría de las explicaciones están en inglés pues rescato de varias partes algunas ideas interesantes, pero pronto lo podrás encontrar en español, si tu duda es muy grande pudes dejar un comentario y te explicaré de qué trata :)
Como su nombre lo dice, se deben leer los libros publicados en español de la autora Cecelia Ahern.
Estos son:
- Si pudieras verme ahora
- Un lugar llamado aquí
- Donde termina el arcoíris
- Posdata: Te amo
- Recuerdos prestados
1. Todos pueden participar, elijan la categoría que quieran.
Categoría A: 2 libros
Categoría B: 3 libros
Categoría C: 4 libros
Categoría D: 5 libros
2. El desafío se termina el 31 de diciembre de 2010
3. Pueden enlazar sus reseñas de los libros del desafío en la imagen cuando la pongan en su blog o dejarlas aquí en un comentario.
Esto se llama Letra de Mujer y consiste en retarse a ustedes mism@s a leer cierta cantidad de libros de escritoras (por eso letra de mujer, ya ven)

Como en otros desafíos hay cinco niveles :
- My Sweet Girl: 3 libros
- Pretty Lady: 6 libros
- Noble Woman: 12 libros
- Madame: 20 libros
- Girl Power: 30 libros
Link Here, inscríbete
Tengo entendido que este Desafío es del blog the Life (and Lies) of an Inanimate Flying Object
link aqui
--Anyone can participate.
**Newbie 2 books by J. Austen, 2 re-writes, prequels, sequels, or spoofs (by other authors)
**Lover 4 books by J. Austen, 4 re-writes, prequels, sequels, or spoofs (by other authors)
**Fanatic 6+ books by J. Austen, 5+ re-writes, prequels, sequels, or spoofs (by other authors)
--Challenge books can overlap with other challenges.
--Any format counts: bound book, e-book (check online for free downloads of J.A’s copyright-free books), audio book, or any other thing you can think of.
--Challenge runs January 1st 2010—December 31 2010.
--You can change which level you read!
J.Kaye´s Book Blog. The 2010 Young Adult Reading Challenge.
In the challenge you have to read certain amount of YA Books, you choose how many (12, 25, 50 and 75) books you are gonna read in 2010. You can pick your books right away or adding books to your list.
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
--Non-Bloggers: Post your list of books in the comment section of the wrap-up post. To learn how to sign up without having a blog, click here.
2. There are four levels:
--The Mini YA Reading Challenge – Read 12 Young Adult novels.
--Just My Size YA Reading Challenge – Read 25 Young Adult novels.
--Stepping It Up YA Reading Challenge – Read 50 Young Adult novels.
--Super Size Me YA Reading Challenge – Read 75 Young Adult novels.
3. Audio, eBooks, re-reads all count.
4. No need to list your books in advance. You may select books as you go. Even if you list them now, you can change the list if needed.
5. Challenge begins January 1st thru December, 2010.
6. When you sign up under Mr. Linky, put the direct link to your post where your Young Adult novels will be listed. Include the URL so that other viewers can find this fun challenge. If you’d prefer to put your list in the sidebar of your blog, please leave your viewers the link to the sign up page. Again, so viewers can join the challenge too.
****You do NOT need to review your books. That is optional.****
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
--Non-Bloggers: Post your list of books in the comment section of the wrap-up post. To learn how to sign up without having a blog, click here.
2. There are four levels:
--The Mini YA Reading Challenge – Read 12 Young Adult novels.
--Just My Size YA Reading Challenge – Read 25 Young Adult novels.
--Stepping It Up YA Reading Challenge – Read 50 Young Adult novels.
--Super Size Me YA Reading Challenge – Read 75 Young Adult novels.
3. Audio, eBooks, re-reads all count.
4. No need to list your books in advance. You may select books as you go. Even if you list them now, you can change the list if needed.
5. Challenge begins January 1st thru December, 2010.
6. When you sign up under Mr. Linky, put the direct link to your post where your Young Adult novels will be listed. Include the URL so that other viewers can find this fun challenge. If you’d prefer to put your list in the sidebar of your blog, please leave your viewers the link to the sign up page. Again, so viewers can join the challenge too.
****You do NOT need to review your books. That is optional.****
The Story Siren is hosting this awesome Challenge, we have just signed up for.
What is the 2010 Debut Author Challenge?
* The objective is to read a set number of YA (Young Adult) or MG (Middle Grade) novels from debut authors published this year.* I'm going to challenge everyone to read at least 12 debut novels!
* Anyone can join, you don’t need a blog to participate. If you don’t have a blog you can always share your views by posting a review on, or any other bookish site.
* The challenge will run from January 1, 2010- December 31, 2010. You can join at anytime!
Join now!!! To know more about the Challenge, go here.
1st in a Series Challenge
Challenge Guidelines:
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
--Non-Bloggers: Include your information in the comment section.
2. There are four levels:
-- Curious– Read 3 novels that are first in a series.
-- Fascinated – Read 6 novels that are first in a series.
-- Addicted – Read 12 novels that are first in a series.
-- Obsessed – Read 20 novels that are first in a series.
3. Any genre counts.
4. You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you.
5. Challenge begins January 1st thru December, 2010. Only books started on January 1st count towards this challenge.
Click Here
Bottoms Up
2010 Reading Challenge
The Bottoms Up Challenge is simple. Each month, take 2-3 titles off the bottom and read them. So that would be...let's see...12-36 books in a year's time.
2010 Wish I'd Read That Challenge Reviews
This challenge is for all those books you wish you'd read. It might be Pride and Prejudice, War and Peace, a Nora Roberts Romantic Suspense, the Outlander series or a childhood classic Winnie the Pooh. I have a very long list of books that I've been wanting to read for years, not to mention the list of books I've added to it since I've been blogging. These don't have to be books you currently own, you can buy them, borrow them or beg for them. This is a great challenge for getting those TBR piles reduced. So go have a look at what you might read and challenge yourself.
Challenge Guidelines:
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
--Non-Bloggers: Include your information in the comment section.
2. There are four levels:
-- Curious – Read 3 books.
-- Fascinated – Read 6 books.
-- Addicted – Read 12 books.
-- Obsessed – Read 20 books.
3. Any book format counts.
4. You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you.
5. Challenge begins January 1st thru December, 2010.
6. When you sign up under Mr. Linky, put the direct link to the post about the Wish I'd Read That Challenge. Include the URL so that other participants can find join in and read your reviews and post.
Click here
2010 Audio Book Reading Challenge
This challenge was previously hosted by J. Kaye's Book Blog and in 2010 will be hosted by Royal Reviews. This will be my second year of participating in this challenge as I'm a new convert to audio books. I think I'll easily complete the Obsessed level.
There are four levels:
-- Curious – Listen to 3 Audio Books.
-- Fascinated – Listen to 6 Audio Books.
-- Addicted – Listen to 12 Audio Books.
-- Obsessed – Listen to 20 Audio Books.
2010 Finish That Series Challenge

-- Curious – Finish 2 series.
-- Fascinated – Finish 3 series.
-- Addicted – Finish 5 series.
-- Obsessed – Finish 10 series.